Fall 2022: Brendan Willing James 'In The Colors'

Brendan Willing James’ ‘In the Colors’ is out now on our label Echo Magic.

This is an album of firsts.

Looking back through photos from that time I’m reminded that my wife and I were still parents of our first and only child. That's the big first.

It was also the first session I got to do with Mikael Jorgensen from Wilco on keys.

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July 2020: Peaceful, Inviting, Gentle Music for your Home.

Fellow home-bound humans,

I hope this finds you well. I have never meant that more than now - and I mean it in all ways.

Today, I bring you music for your home. This collection is called “Wild House” and it’s from Daniel Wright.

Dan is our partner at Echo Magic, my bandmate and father of our goddaughter. So, you could say we know each other pretty well.

This album marks the beginning of a new chapter for me in a couple ways.

First, this is a recording of the very first night Dan, Scott Hirsch and I worked together and the groundwork for what would become Echo Magic began to be laid down.

Now I’m one of the partners at Echo Magic and this is the first official release on our label arm. We’re of course always interested in what’s called “up-streaming” our work to the record labels and institutions we know and love — but sometimes it makes sense to have a little imprint of your own. So now we do.

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